6 Quick Ways to Deal with Caregiver Stress

Unfortunately, being a caregiver often goes hand in hand with feeling stressed out. There’s a lot involved in the role. Caregivers often feel stretched for time because they work, have children to raise or other family responsibilities, and just need some time for themselves. It’s important that you find a way to relieve caregiver stress because it can have a negative impact on your physical and emotional health. If you’re not sure how you can fit stress reducing activities in your day, here are 6 quick ways to relieve stress that you can fit into your busy caregiver schedule.

#1: Breathing Exercises

Caregiver West University Place, TX: Dealing with Caregiver Stress

Focusing on your breathing for a few moments can help to calm you and give you time to return to caregiving with a fresh perspective. There are several breathing exercises that can help. You can learn how to do them online. One of the best things about breathing exercises is that they don’t take long to do, and you can do them anywhere, even while sitting in the waiting room of your aging relative’s doctor office.

#2: Celebrate Your Victories
When something goes well, and that probably happens several times a day, take a minute to celebrate it. Got a good report from the senior’s doctor? That’s in part thanks to you and your caregiving efforts. Pat yourself on the back. Focusing on the many things you do right can help you to more easily brush off the mistakes instead of letting them cause you stress.

#3: Try Aromatherapy
Some scents are calming, such as lavender. Try using a diffuser to fill the room with a calming scent. It may have positive effects on both you and your aging relative.

#4: Turn on Some Music
Soothing music can help to calm your nerves and upbeat, cheerful music can boost your mood. Whatever kind of music you like to listen to, turn some on and let yourself get lost in it for a few minutes. You might even invite the older adult to dance with you, which could bring smiles to both of your faces and relieve any tension they may be feeling, too.

#5: Do Some Stretches
Stretching can help your muscles to release tension. Spending 5 minutes doing some yoga stretches can reduce stress.

#6: Watch a Funny Video
Watching something that makes you laugh can improve your mood and help you let go of some stress. Pull out your smartphone and look for a short funny video. There’s no end to silly animal videos or clips of comedians available on the Internet.


If you or an aging loved one are considering caregiver services in West  University Place, TX, contact the caring staff at Personal Caregiving Services at 832-564-0338.Providing Care in Houston, Bellaire, West University Place, Katy, and Sugar Land and the surrounding areas.



Caregiver Stress and Burnout
