My Aging Relative Refuses to Eat Healthy Meals

As if family caregivers didn’t have enough to worry about with their elderly loved one, the idea of healthy meals and snacks should always be a top priority. When aging adults live alone, their eating habits tend to worsen. In many cases, they only like junk food and refuse to eat healthy meals. There are many reasons for this, but no matter what the cause, family caregivers need to come up with a plan to make sure the senior has nutritious meals so they can be healthy and strong.

Why Seniors Might Refuse Nutritious Food

Home Care Houston TX Seniors Eating Healthy

Home Care Houston TX Seniors Eating Healthy

There are countless reasons why aging adults may refuse to eat nutritious food. Sometimes it is just a few different types of food they don’t want, such as things that are hard to chew or swallow. Other stubborn seniors may only want to eat junk food. Some aging adults have an illness that prohibits them from certain foods and they are taking the restriction too far. Still others have cultural or societal reasons for refusing certain food. Whatever the reason, it’s important for elderly adults to figure it out and address the challenge on behalf of their aging loved one

Skipping Healthy Meals Can Cause Health Issues

Seniors really need to have healthy meals because they do better when they have the right combination of vitamins, minerals and nutrients. Overall health helps them with any chronic diseases and illnesses they may have. Elderly adults have the highest risk to become malnourished from poor diets. When they are on their own, meals may just seem like something they have to get through or that might satisfy a craving for sugar or salt.

It’s more important than ever that aging adults get the right nutrition into their bodies. One reason is because an aging person’s body doesn’t process food as effectively, skipping out on nutrients. Aging adults also don’t have much of an appetite, so every bite needs to be impactful. When the body is weak, malnourished and underfed, health problems will surely follow.

Getting Stubborn Seniors to Eat Healthy Meals

When family caregivers are at their wit’s end with seniors and healthy meals, they may want to call in a home care provider. These professionals can prepare delicious meals with fresh ingredients. Where aging adults may fight with a family member or refuse to eat something, they are often on better behavior with someone else. The home care provider can also eat with the aging adult, making it seem more like a dinner than a quick bite to eat on the way to watch more television.

Another thing that home care provider can do to manage mealtime is to give the aging adults some say in what they will be eating. You may find that they want to help with cooking and take pride in delicious food. In some cases, elderly adults are happy to have healthy meals served to them and take a lot of the stress around food away.


If you or an aging loved one are considering Home Care in Houston, TX, contact the caring staff at Personal Caregiving Services at 832-564-0338. Providing Care in Houston, Bellaire, West University Place, Katy, and Sugar Land and the surrounding areas.